- Preparing to do Something/ Take on a Challenge: recording a song; training to run a half marathon; improve study habits in a systematic way; improve your communication style; improve an important relationship with a friend or family member; take on an academic challenge; get a job; get involved in an important cause…
- Improving Knowledge or Understanding: research a topic that you have been interested in for a long time; gain a deeper understanding of your cultural heritage and/or family history; deepen your knowledge about a period of history and/or another culture…
- Bettering Oneself: design and initiate a self-care/ wellness plan; track and improve work habits, effort and/or time management; build your confidence and actively engage in positive self-talk; taking healthy risks; reading for pleasure and/or personal growth/betterment; engage in real-time socializing and reduce reliance on technology for social media…
- Become an Agent of Change: learn more about or join a specific cause, initiative or organization that is working to improve conditions regarding: the environment, health, living conditions, socio-economic challenges, the lives of children, the lives of the elderly, education, animals…
- Improve an Existing Skill: continue to develop your skill level in the world of fine arts and design; performing arts, language arts; speech arts; sports; computer science; foods and nutrition; other leisure activities….
- Learn a New Skill: learn a new language; learn to cook a specific type of cuisine; learn to code; design an app; design a computer game; learn to knit; sew; design clothes; play a new instrument; rap; learn to sculpt; woodwork; metal work; macramé…
- Create Something: create an artwork, written work, film, speech arts; spoken word; song; dance; musical piece, theatrical piece; screenplay; app; blog; build a plane or model, a multi-course dinner, make an article of clothing..