Grad Fundraiser Idea: “2023 Grad Pops”
(IF we can get school permission to sell chocolate for special occasions only…)
(Note: Only aware of 1 potential conflict which is the student council “Candy Grams” on Valentine’s Day which sell for $1… )
Special Occasion/Seasonal Chocolate pops from Charlies Chocolate Factory
Timing: 1 per month for 6 months
Examples: Christmas/Winter, Lunar New Year, Valentine, St. Patty’s Day, Easter, and Grad
NOTE: chocolate weight varies and so cost ranges from $1.50 to $2.25 depending on size/weight of chocolate. (I am hoping we can get a $1.75 type weight for $1.50 cost with the negotiation of a fundraiser deal as I understand this company does offer bulk/fundraiser discounts)
Shopping Cart page has examples and I have included screenshots:
Example:Can likely get milk chocolate pops for $1.50 each ( bulk order) Resale for $5
Estimated demand *200 units per order x $1.50 = $300 +tax = $336 cost (approx)
200x$5 = $1000 Sales
$664 Profit per event
$664 x6 events = $3984 net profit
Estimated $2500-$5000 raised depending on popularity and price points.
When: 2 Day sale around holiday every month for 6 months.
Who: Grads advertise on school social media and if not allowed on site,
Where: if not allowed at school, then set up Pop up tent* adjacent to school morning/noon/after school on the day before and the day of holiday….
How: I can coordinate & pickup orders. Grads work the tent, collect payments and 2 parents account for the money.
Equipment: Square to accept e-transfer:) and *athletics dept has a pop up tent